is a psychological thriller set in a remote seaside community. A loving teen is accused of killing her sister, no body is found, her memory s blank, she is covered in blood and fears she is the murderer. Written by Steve Kelly and Mark Griffin. Director Steve Kelly. Co-production with Mark O’Neill, Panoramic Pictures, Canada.
is a visceral, suspenseful and intriguing thriller about a brother and sister fighting for justice on opposite sides of the law in a Europe dealing with new threats to its secu-rity and stability including terrorism, corruption and political extremism. Writer, Avril R Russell. Director, Piotr Szkopiak. Co-production with John Hoernschemeyer, Penned Pictures, Germany.
is a twisted Mary Poppins who’s targeted a dysfunctional family with a desperate plan.
Beneath Granny’s disguise is Sadie Smith, a vital 60 year old who has fallen on hard times since her faded rock star partner Rusty left on a ‘70’s revival tour, abandoning her to bailiffs who re-possessed their home and leaving her in the dreary surroundings of the ‘Pearly Gates Residen-tial Home’. Writer, Ray Brooking.
Crime drama based on a true miscarriage of justice by Carol Harding Outline available
Completed Projects